Dr Jayasena has been a strong advocate of a particularly uncommon medication which has greatly helped management of my condition.
42, London
4 June 2018
I am a woman in my early forties and have been under the care of a clinic in St Mary's for over twenty years. I have been diagnosed with mosaic Turner's Syndrome, which has a variety of gynaecological, hormonal, fertility and wider health implications.
I came under Dr Jayasena's care after my previous long-standing consultant left to work at another hospital. Most obvious to me on meeting Dr Jayasena for the first time was his desire to get to know me as a patient and to develop a broad understanding of my health issues. He has an extremely personable approach and is very committed to developing good, long-term relationships with his patients. I feel this is particularly important in this area of healthcare, as the issues discussed are often very personal and of an emotional nature. The appointment was very unhurried and he devoted much time to explaining his own medical background and to familiarising himself with my medical history.
As a long-term patient who visits for annual appointments, they can sometimes feel quite routine and brief in nature. Over the years, Dr Jayasena has taken the time to answer my many questions and provide clear explanations for the varied issues related to my condition, for which he would have been forgiven for taking as assumed knowledge as a busy consultant. He recognises the importance of information, discussion and building a rapport with patients who will be under his care long-term. He has also provided details of support groups, helpfully recognising other NHS affiliated bodies that may contribute to my wider care.
Dr Jayasena has been a strong advocate of a particularly uncommon medication which has greatly helped management of my condition. This has meant that my GP Surgery is aware of my specific medical needs and has continued to dispense the required medication. He is also very accessible as a consultant, making me feel confident that I could request additional appointments if I had any concerns. This is important when your GP understandably does not always have the specialist knowledge to advise on certain aspects of your condition.