Low testosterone & replacement therapy
Mainly produced in the testicles, testosterone is an important hormone for men. It affects a man’s appearance and sexual development, stimulates sperm production and influences a man’s sex drive. It also helps build muscle and bone mass, so a deficiency of testosterone can impact fertility and general health too.
What causes low testosterone?
While we know that testosterone levels naturally decrease as a man ages, men may have a testosterone level that is low for their age. In other words, they have a natural deficiency - and this can be caused by a number of different factors such as issues with the pituitary gland, previous cancer treatment or genetic issues.
What does our treatment involve?
Firstly, we will see you in person to undertake a detailed clinical assessment of your health and to work out the cause of your low testosterone. It may be a metabolic issue for example or caused by previous illnesses, and it’s important that we know the root cause of the issue as that allows us to tailor the treatment to you. Once complete, we will put in place a custom treatment plan that chimes with your beliefs and lifestyle. Typically, this involves topical creams or injections and can be managed by your local GP. We then maintain an ongoing relationship with you, arranging future appointments to keep track of your progress.
How much does it cost?
We are happy to accept NHS referrals from GPs. We also accept private referrals: our price for an initial consultation is £225, and followup consultations to monitor your progress are £160. Prescribed treatments will cost extra but depend on the medication required; your consultant will be able to tell you exactly what they will cost after your initial consultation.
How can I make an appointment?
If you’d like to make an appointment, you can now book online. Otherwise, for more information please email or telephone to speak to a member of our team.
“I was pleased to meet Channa for the first time. He was professional throughout our first meeting, and I felt like he was interested in me and my fertility issues and was in a position to potentially put me in the best position to achieve my fertility goals.”

Peter, 42, Oxford
“The issue of low testosterone is increasingly highlighted in the media and health magazines, and is the topic of medical controversy about how to diagnose it, and which men should be treated. Alongside my private clinical work at Imperial Reproductive Endocrinology, I lead a research team at Imperial College London studying these two important issues, and receive new referrals each week to advise men about whether they have low testosterone. I don’t think it is possible to tell men what I think without first explaining the background to testosterone and what makes it low. Without this critical information, men may not be fully able the make the right decision with their doctor.”

Dr Channa Jayasena